Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mommies, sisters, and an anniversary

I hope you all had a happy Mother's Day! Did anyone do anything special? Mine was particularly emotional, as my mom had gotten news that her mammogram was wonky. She has since seen her surgeon, and the cancer is not back!!!!

Both of my little sisters had their birthdays recently. One turned 25, and the other 23. The younger got engaged, and I got to see her in her wedding gown yesterday. It was a truly amazing experience. I got teary, of course. She isn't sentimental at all, and even wore her pants under the dress while she was trying it on in the shop. It meant a lot to me, though!

This Saturday marks The Jerseymooners' first wedding anniversary. The year flew by! We are going to Washington, DC for the weekend. I will check in with pictures and sentiments when we return.

What did you learn your first year of marriage?


Tree said...

Hey Jersey girl... Happy Anniversary week! :) SO glad your mom's tests came back okay after a bit of a scare. Congrats to your sisters on their birthdays and the upcoming wedding. How exciting!

We've been married almost 15 years (but together for 23), so I did alot of my "learning" that first year together. LOL But, I did find that I would always have that special someone to lean on no matter how bad things got. :)

Enjoy your trip!

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