I saw Five Question Friday on
Stacie's blog and loved it! It's hosted by
My Little Life. Check them both out, and feel free to join in!
1. What was the first car you owned?
I had a '94 Saturn SL2. I loved it! I got it (very) used with 121,00 miles on it. I beat it up, and it never let me down. I had it for 6 years, until Jeff decided it was time for me to get a more updated (read: with OnStar) version because of the long, hilly commute to work I had at that time. My current car is also a Saturn. I am so sad that they are going to stop making them. They're great little cars.
2. What songs are you embarrassed to know the lyrics of?
None! I'm not embarrassed at all. I have the weird ability to remember lyrics for eternity after hearing a song only two or three times. I remember everything. If you want to take it waaaaay back, I remember that the lyrics to the Cabbage Patch Theme Song form the Cabbach Patch Kids album were, "Cabbage Patch Kids, Growing in the garden, Cabbage Patch Kids, Growing in the sun, and the most amazing thing about a Cabbage Patch Kiiiiiid: Each one grown to be a special one." Rainbow Brite? Sure, I remember that, too, "Starlight, Rainbow Brite. A little wish in the moonlght. Sunbeams, sparkle and shine, you'll always be a friend of mine."
I could go on all day. I am like a musical Rain Man.
3. Have you ever had stitches?
I got a mole removed for a total of 2 stitches, plus the stitches from getting my wisdom teeth removed. So, sort of, but nothing that counts.
4. What was your first job?
Besides babysitting, I was a receptionist for a scrap metal recycling company. I was 17. Where my desk was was called "The Meat Locker" because all of the air conditioning would settle there, and it was freezing. Even though it was summer, I would bundle up to go to work. It was a great first job, though.
5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
Kermit the Frog. He is my favorite anything character. Yes, he was on Sesame Street. He was the newscaster (one of the only Muppets with a job!). I love him. In fact, I had a Kermit decal in my above-mentioned first car. Think about it. He's the perfect guy if you take away the amphibian thing. Sensitive, caring, smart, talented...
Happy Friday!